When it comes to programming, reversing a number is a common task that developers often encounter. In this article, we will focus on how to reverse a number specifically using the C programming language.

Introduction to Reversing a Number in C Program

Reversing a number in C programming involves taking a given integer and displaying it in reverse order. This can be achieved by extracting the digits of the number one by one and then concatenating them in reverse order to form the reversed number.

Steps to Reverse a Number in C Program

To reverse a number in C program, you can follow these steps:

1. Get the Input Number from the User

You should prompt the user to enter an integer number that needs to be reversed. Use the scanf function to capture the input from the user.

2. Extract Digits from the Input Number

Next, you need to extract each digit from the input number one by one. This can be done by using the modulo operator (%) and integer division (/) operations.

3. Reconstruct the Reversed Number

After extracting the digits, you should reconstruct the reversed number by concatenating the digits in reverse order. This can be achieved by multiplying the current reversed number by 10 and then adding the next extracted digit.

4. Display the Reversed Number

Finally, you can display the reversed number to the user using the printf function.

Sample C Program to Reverse a Number

Here is a sample C program that demonstrates how to reverse a number:



int main() {
int num, reversedNum = 0, remainder;

printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);

while (num != 0) {
    remainder = num % 10;
    reversedNum = reversedNum * 10 + remainder;
    num /= 10;

printf("Reversed number: %d\n", reversedNum);

return 0;


FAQs about Reversing a Number in C

Q1: What is the modulo operator in C?

A1: The modulo operator (%) in C returns the remainder of the division of two numbers.

Q2: Can we reverse a negative number in C?

A2: Yes, you can reverse a negative number in C by considering the sign of the number and then reversing the absolute value of the number.

Q3: How can I handle leading zeros in the reversed number?

A3: To handle leading zeros in the reversed number, you can store the reversed number as a string instead of an integer.

Q4: Is it possible to reverse a floating-point number in C?

A4: Reversing a floating-point number in C involves converting it to an integer first before applying the reversal logic.

Q5: How can I optimize the code for reversing a number in C?

A5: You can optimize the code by avoiding unnecessary operations and checks, as well as by handling edge cases efficiently.


Reversing a number in C programming is a fundamental task that can be accomplished by extracting digits and concatenating them in reverse order. By following the steps outlined in this article and referring to the sample program provided, you can effectively reverse a number in C with ease.


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